BLM Agreement

Through a financial assistance agreement with the BLM, the Districts have two ongoing projects to improve Rangeland Health

  1. Intense Rangeland Monitoring
  2. Coordinated Resource Management Plans (CRMP)

BLM Agreement Projects


#1 Rangeland Monitoring & Weed Mapping and Spraying


The Districts are entering into the fourth year of a five-year agreement with Osborn Industries to conduct intensive rangeland monitoring in the Piceance East Douglas Herd Management Area (PEDHMA).  Monitoring has taken place multiple times per year capturing forage use just before cattle arrive in a pasture, just after the cattle leave a pasture, in the late fall, and then again in early spring.  Osborn has analyzed the first three years’ data verifying which species are utilizing the forage at different times of the year.  Monitoring will be expanded to the West Douglas Herd Area this year

Click here to see a quick summary of the PEDHMA Range Monitoring. 

Click here to see the 2018-2021 Range Monitoring Report

#2 Coordinated Resource Management Plans (CRMP)


The District staff are partnering with federal land grazing permittees, BLM, U.S. Forest Service, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, and other pertinent entities to coordinate and facilitate the development of individualized CRMPs to implement conservation practices across landownership boundaries. This program helps facilitate the various agency requirements and seeks funding opportunities to implement vegetation treatments and water developments that will improve rangeland production, wildlife habitat, and watershed health. 

* Two CRMPs are completed with roughly 6,600 acres identified for vegetation treatments and 26 water improvement projects.